Guest driver
- Guest driver is the one who is not member of VfR-Rüsselsheim Abtl. RCCar
- The guest driver fee must paid to a club member of VfR-Rüsselsheim Abtl. RCCar unasked
- The guest driver fee will be charged, if the grounds within the meaning of the sect. RCCar is used (E.g. paddock, circuit)
Hole day fee
- The guest driver fee is 10 euros regardless of the length of use
Half day fee
- The half day rule does not apply to Saturday before all racing events
- If a guest driver finished his training before 14: 00 or only begins after 14 o'clock, are only 5 euro reduced due
- If his training is only up to 2 hours at approximately 14: 00, account for only 5 euro
Mentioned above, there is no exemption to all!
Thomas Heuer
VfR Rüsselsheim e.V. Abt. RC-Car